6. Die Gewichte aus Draht eichen
(Seite im Aufbau)
 Während des Trocknens von Multifiber 6 wurden die folgenden Werte für die Gewichtsabnahme ermittelt:
Zeit: .........................13......................29 .......................50.........................65.........................80.......................120. Minuten  .........................
Gewichtsverlust:     3.9 ...... .............9.4 ..........  ..........17.2 .....................21.8 ................... 26.8 ........... .........32.4 cm Draht.

In diesem Versuch sollst Du die Gewichte eichen.
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Egyptian two pan scale, Pocket Scale PS-1 (Conrad Electronic), aluminium foil (about 6 x 6 cm), 1 Yen coin, insulated copper wire ("Y-Draht", D: 2 x 0.6 mm), checkered paper, scissors. Mehr über Gewichte.
1. Tare the scale by lining its pans with pieces of aluminium foil about 6 x 6 cm (Fig. 1).
2. Put a 1.0 g weight on the left pan(a 1 Yen coin or 1.0 mL of water are 1.0 g).
3. Balance the scale by adding a piece of copper wire of the right length to the other pan (Fig. 2).
3. Cut samples of the wire to get weights of 1.0 g, 500 mg, 100 mg, 10 mg.
4. Control these self-made weights on a digital scale.
5. Test the sensibility of the two pan scale by adding a 10 mg weight.
1. The wire weights show the following relation between length and mass: 2 x 16 cm = 3208 mm wire: 1000 mg
                                                                                                                                                        32 mm wire:   100 mg
                                                                                                                                                          3 mm wire:      10 mg (Fig. 3).
2. The pocket scale confirms the mass of the weights down to 100 mg, the sensibility of the two pan scale is much higher:
3. The two pan scale has a sensibility of < 10 mg (Fig.4).
Evaluation of the drying of multifiber 6 experiment
Plot a graph showing the loss of water [mg] versus time.

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