Schools of Sharm El Sheikh collect garbage at Nabaq National Park
 Problems with garbage carelessly disposed to the environment are similar in Germany and in Egypt:
Left: End of march 2001 the mayor of Sharm El Sheikh invited all schools of the town for a clean-up activity in Nabaq National Park.
       First the children had to learn what they had to collect from the beach  ("garbage = Müll") and what to leave (shells, coral pieces, algae, ....).
Middle: Even the 15 children of SSLS kindergarten collected with ardour. They carried garbage like rusty metals, glass and plastic containers into bags.
Right : The KG children learned how to use a magnet to "fish"  things made of iron (rusty screws, cans and batteries) out of other metals.
Part of the Nabaq National Park is Red Sea: After a short time KG children brought dead jellyfishes.

Re-use packings   Recycling of glass and metals in Nouveiba/Sinai

back.......German.........................................................first publication: 06.01.2002 .......last modification: 17.01.2006
